
Have you already thought about what kind of job you would like to have? Are you interested in computers? Games? Green technology? Or maybe digital art? Would you like to be up-to-date and make an impact on the society you live in, or even the whole world? If you do, e-skills will help you live your dreams!

E-skills: there’s a job waiting for you!

If you have any questions or feedback, you can contact me at: frolova.ekaterina@hotmail.com. You can also find us on Facebook, our website and on Twitter!

4 thoughts on “About

  1. I didn’t know I was part of a movement! šŸ™‚
    It would be awfully nice if you’re right about the ‘job waiting for me’ part. I’ve always loved technology, but pursued biology and immunology in my previous careers. I’d love to find a way to put those skills to work in programming.

    I look forward to reading / following more of the posts here.

  2. Thank you – I’ll be sure to check that job site/listing out.
    In fact, the reason I am learning to code is to realize some designs I have. The link to my fledgling company is http://www.Downhousesoftware.com. There’s not much there yet, but I hope to add more as I get a little more experience.

    ps- down house was what Darwin called his home in Downe England.

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